(Copywriter. Experimenter. Designer)

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Real Beauty Database

Dove wants a relevant continuation to their real beauty campaign that can really make an impact. So we focused on AI. Similar to humans, AI gets representations of beauty wrong all the time. So we thought this was the perfect opportunity for us to send it back to school. 

Case study

Don’t feel like scrolling? Check out our Youngones shortlisted video.


AI just doesn't get it.

As an extension of ourselves, we’d expect algorithms to understand the basic things that make us human. Like beauty. But AI hasn’t lived up to our expectations. 

And that’s not its fault. 

Pulling from databases of OUR own creation, our inherent biases can’t help but seep into the binary minds of machine learning, and these faults end up manifesting in non representative ways.  

The machine needs to unlearn mistaken beliefs around beauty. 

And that’s our mission.

Photo by photo, person by person, Dove promises to redefine the undefinable once again and give beauty the diversity it deserves. 

When prompted for images of the “perfect girl” this is what AI provides. So we think its high time to send AI back to school.


In partnership with Microsoft, Dove will add to the COCO dataset with categorized images of real beauty. These images will come from real people, and will provide the dataset with more diverse material.

Data collection:

Real Beauty Booths

To help gather the diverse imagery  booths will be available to submit your photo anywhere.

Submissions will be easy to upload form your phone and website as well.